March Madness, countdown to Spring!
Good evening room 10 families,
We have a short, but jam packed month coming up! This week we will begin to review division and its relationship to multiplication. Then we will move in to developing for multiplying and dividing double digit numbers. Our writing will shift from narrative story writing to persuasive writing and we will continue working on developing our editing skills. In Social Studies we are learning about Alberta's rich historical past and we are excited to begin building our own Fur Trapper Fort. Health will continue to focus on improving our understanding of the impacts of bullying and we are excited to present our short stick puppet plays around the school to help others learn to be kind and inclusive.
Field study permission forms will be coming home for our trip to the Leighton Centre on March 18th.
Thank you to those families that have gone above and beyond to fulfill their volunteer commitments so far this year. We only require two more volunteers for this full day trip.
Thursday March 5 we are excited to welcome Scientists In School. They are coming to help us jump into our Light and Shadow unit in science. This is a fun and engaging unit and if you could please send in your cardboard paper towel rolls I would be most appreciative!
Please remember to add Student-led conferences to you calendars. Conferences will be on Thursday March 19th in the early evening and Friday the 20th in the morning. Spring Break begins officially begins on March 21 and we will welcome students back on April 6th.
Don't forget to change your clocks and Spring Ahead on March 8th!
Mrs. B.
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